Monday, October 09, 2006

A sorta fairytale with you

If there was something I'd give anything to do these days, it'd be to slowdance with someone who sees me in a special light to the tunes of Walking After You and A Sorta Fairytale under a full moon in a star-speckled sky.

We would do it all night till daybreak. Throw in all those Prom soundtracks that make Catholic high school girls wet their hankies... Last Dance, All of my Life, Without You... yey. Glory of Love, even.

All night long. It's BTS. Better than multiple orgasms, actually. So so gay. Happy happy joy joy.


At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, let's go out friday. i don't have your number na, do you still have mine?

At 6:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didnt enjoy js proms. reminds me y my fave song back then was at 17. :(

At 6:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didnt enjoy js proms. reminds me y my fave song back then was at 17. :(


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